Our Curriculum
A knowledge-rich curriculum for lifelong academic, social, and personal achievement
The underpinning aims of our curriculum are to empower pupils to consistently develop the three areas of achievement as outlined in the ensuring excellence document.
To create:
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, understand how to learn, make rapid progress and achieve excellence.
- Confident individuals who can live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- Responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society, with a global awareness.
- Individuals who can develop strong and secure relationships.
The curriculum is ambitious providing breadth and balance. It is designed to provide all pupils particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. This will include the development of a love for reading and confidence in the use of powerful language and vocabulary. Our curriculum develops character and supports all children including those with mental health and wellbeing needs. Our curriculum is logically planned and sequenced so that all pupils develop mastery, fluency, knowledge, and skills for future learning. The curriculum will be enhanced with planned and appropriately sequenced educational visits/experiences, extra-curricular activities, and careers opportunities to ensure pupils are ready for the next steps in their educational journey.
The 5 key expectations for our Curriculum:
- We deliver the national curriculum or can demonstrate that our curriculum is of similar breadth/ambition in each subject.
- Our curriculum remains as broad as possible for as long as possible.
- We have ensured that the curriculum contains content that has been identified as most useful and taught in a logical and sequenced progression.
- We ensure pupils can embed the curriculum content in the long-term memory.
- We are clear about what we want pupils to learn and why. We can demonstrate how this is put into practice in our curriculum planning.
Should you wish to know more about the curriculum that we are following please navigate the links on this page for the subjects and information about GCSE option choices. If you require further information please contact me at the school.
Vickie Robertson - Deputy Head Teacher
Email: vrobertson@aatrust.co.uk
Phone: 01952 387400