GCSE Exams Information
From 2023, GCSEs have returned to the previous format of assessment before COVID-19. This means that there will be less information provided prior to the exam season.
Further information about preparation for exams by following the links below.
Recent revision assembly: Link to assembly
Editable revision calendar (students have a paper copy)
Key dates
- 11th – 22nd November 2024: Year 11 mock exams
- 9th – 13th December 2024: Year 10 mock exams (in class)
- 3rd – 14th February 2025: Year 11 mock exams
- 3rd – 7th March 2025: Year 10 mock exams (in class)
- 9th May – 25th June 2025: Year 11 summer exams
- 23rd – 27th June 2025: Year 10 mock exams
Exam Regulations
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) publishes regulations and guidance on behalf of the qualification awarding bodies. Candidates must ensure they read the following documents.
Privacy Notices
- AQA Privacy notice (aqa.org.uk)
- OCR Candidate privacy policy (ocr.org.uk)
- Pearson/Edexcel Pearson privacy notice
- WJEC Privacy Policy (wjec.co.uk)
- NCFE Privacy notice | NCFE | NCFE
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Feel free to send us an email sbowen1@aatrust.co.uk